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Jeremy Russell
February 26, 2002 Director
of Communications
OAKLAND, CA - National Meat
Association's 56th Annual Convention was held in Monterey, California, February
20-23, 2002. It was rated as a huge
success by attendees. In fact, with an
attendance of over 400 and packed events and seminars, the NMA team pulled off
one of its best conventions ever. Similarly, Attendees declared the 5th Annual
American Meat Science Association's Western Science Conference, held in
conjunction with NMA's Annual Convention, as one of the clearest, most concise
programs yet presented.
This year's keynote speaker
on Saturday, February 23, Smithfield Foods President and CEO Joseph Luter III,
was outstanding. Focusing on the future of the business, he reminded the
assembled that, "At the end of the day, it's the consumer who decides, not
the producer." USDA Under Secretary for Food Safety Elsa Murano spoke at
NMA's General Session on Thursday, February 21. She described her five goals
for FSIS and said she was "committed to ensuring that FSIS is the best
trained and best educated agency of all." Her prepared remarks are online
at http://www.fsis.usda.gov/oa/speeches/speeches.htm.
NMA delivered the following awards:
Supplier of the Year was given to Steve Tennis of Handtmann. Tennis has been a
Director of the National Meat Association and is a long time supporter of the
industry. The Professional of the Year went to recently retired USDA District
Manager Helmut Blume for excellence in regulatory service. Phil Olsson of
Olsson, Frank and Weeda was awarded NMA's E. Floyd Forbes. And Bussetto Foods
took home the "Hold the Mustard" Award in a landslide during the
Sausagefest 2002 for its Sopressatta Calabrese.
NMA Scholarship Foundation
President Ron Gustafson delivered scholarship grants for the 2001-02 academic
school year to nine students (complete list at http://www.nmaonline.org/files/pr9.12.01.htm). Previous NMA Scholarship
Foundation scholarship recipients, Bob and Lynn Delmore, were on hand to assist
in the presentation.
The NMA Board of Directors
elected the following new officers to serve in the year beginning July 1:
Immediate Past Chairman Joe Azzaro, Board Chairman Terry Caviness, President
Ted Miller, Vice President Curry Roberts, Secretary Warren Wilcox, Treasurer
Tom Campanile, Member at Large Marty Evanson and Executive Director Rosemary
Mucklow. Wayne Keener was elected an Honorary Director. The following people
were made Directors: Biff Benbow of Schenk Packing, Tom Campanile of Oberto
Sausage, and John Duyn of Carlton Packing for Region 1; Medhi Shirazi of
Superior Farms, John Piccetti of San Francisco Sausage, and Mike Stanaland of
Goodmark Foods for Region 2; Bill Bridgford of Bridgford Foods, Todd Waldman of
United Food Group, and Andy Lofquist of King Meat Packing for Region 3; Russell
Cross of Future Beef and Ben Badiola of SSI Food Services for Region 4; Tim
Biela of Texas American Foodservice, Jarrod Stokes of San Angelo Packing Co.,
and John Soules, Jr. of John Soules Foods for Region 5; Bernie Hanson of Flint
Hill Foods for Region 6; Dane Bernard of Keystone/Shapiro for Region 7; and Joe
Luter of Smithfield/Packerland and Jay Goldberger of GFI America for Region 8.
Bob Savage of the HACCP Consulting Group and Roger Reiser of Robert Reiser
& Co. were both elected Director reps for Associate Members.
National Meat Association is
a non-profit trade association representing meat packers and processors, as
well as equipment manufacturers and suppliers who provide services to the meat
industry. The association, with over 600 members throughout the United States,
includes membership in Canada, Australia and Mexico.