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About NMA


National Meat Association members are committed to ethical standards and producing safe, quality products.

Contact Membership Consultant Jane Anderson at (510) 763-1533 with membership inquiries.

There are several categories of membership:

General includes any person, firm or corporation engaged in the slaughtering of livestock or the processing, sale and distribution of meat, poultry, meat food products and poultry food products or engaged in the wholesaling or jobbing of meat, poultry, meat food products and poultry food products in the United States, and has a grant of meat and/or poultry inspection.
Allied includes any person, firm or corporation engaged primarily in buying, taking possession and selling meat and meat food products and animal by-products in the United States.

Associate includes any person, firm or corporation engaged in supplying non-meat supplies and equipment, or that brings them into continuing contact with the industry activities of General Members and Allied Industry Members.

International includes any person, firm or corporation who would be eligible to be a General, Allied or Associate Members but for the fact that its operations are carried on outside the United States.

Student includes any Juniors, Seniors or Graduate Students majoring in Animal/Food/Meat Science in a college or university in the United States.


NMA’s Political Action Committee advocates the industry’s interests. Members of Congress receive and read our newsletter, regularly speak at our conferences and know our organization well as a credible source.


NMA’s Board of Directors represents all segments and geographic regions of the U.S.

Directors are elected to a three-year term, and may serve a second term before a mandatory yearlong hiatus, thereby ensuring opportunities for leadership within NMA.

Directors representing General Members are elected from eight geographic regions encompassing the entire nation. There are three Directors per region, with the balance of directorships representing General Members allocated based on a referendum of members at the end of each calendar year (allocated proportionately).

Six Directors represent Allied and Associate members.

NMA’s Nominating Committee presents a recommended slate at the Annual Meeting during NMA’s Annual Convention.

Nominations may be made from the floor, as well. The Board of Directors elect the NMA officers at a separate meeting prior to the Annual Meeting. These officers make up the Executive Committee.

NMA’s Standing Committees meet biannually, during the Annual Convention and then at the Summer Conference. They may also meet upon call of the Committee Chairmen. All Committee Chairmen are also members of the Long Range Strategic Planning Committee.

All Committee meetings, excepting the Strategic Planning Committee and Executive Committee and including the Board of Directors, are open to all members. Prospective committee members should contact the appropriate Committee Chairman for more information.


The National Meat Association is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) organization for tax purposes (tax ID# 94-1037520). Membership dues are fully tax deductible as a business expense. NMA pays taxes on revenues that are used to fund nonexempt activities, relieving members from having to make calculations about the tax deductibility of membership dues.


NMA members are committed to safe food, high-quality production, excellent service and supplies, and, most remarkably, each other. And they all know where to turn for first-rate, responsive assistance.

“Four years ago Eureka Sausage had a problem that I didn't know how to solve, but NMA stood by me and guided the company in handling it. [NMA Associate Director, Regulatory Services] Ken Mastracchio knows what the plant owner is going through and what the work is involved, and, when Ken wasn’t available, [Regulatory Services Assistant] Frank Fone would take his time to listen and advise us properly,” says Margarita Blikian, general manager of the Eureka Sausage Company.

“It’s great to know there are professionals who can make you feel not so alone when you are facing regulatory issues,” she adds.


National Meat Association's leaders are selected for their integrity, experience and caring, their vision and courage to lead, and their conviction to implement the policy of the organization to these ends.


REGION I  (AK, OR, M,ID, WA,W.MT,S.B.Alberta)
Ron Baer - Kings Command, WA
John Duyn - Carlton Farms, OR
Ryan Lenz - Schenk Packing, WA
Robert Rebholtz - Washington Beef, WA
Nicole Sorenson - Hill Meat Company, OR

Ted Arena - Swiss American Sausage, CA
Eddie Bell - ConAgra, CA
Eric Ching - Palama Meat, HI
Lawrence Coelho - Central Valley, CA
Mike Grazier - Buseto Foods, CA
Dave Langston - Del Monte Capital Meat
Les Oesterreich - Superior Farms, CA
John Piccetti - San Francisco Sausage, CA
Kevin Smith - Costco Wholesale Meats, CA
Clinton Wong - United Meat Company, CA
Dave Wood - Harris Ranch, CA

Bill Bridgford - Bridgford Foods , CA
Marty Evanson - Jobbers Meat Packing
Ron Gustafson - Coast Packing, CA
Eldad Hadar - Wayne Provision, CA
Andy Lofquist - King Meat Packing, CA
Ed Lopes - Heatherfield Foods, CA
Don Morrow - Custom Food Products, CA
Dan Sullivan - Tengu Company, CA
Terry Unruh - Desert Meat Company, NV
Larry Vad - Ideal Meat & Provision, CA
Todd Waldman - United Food Group, CA

Cristina Gomez - OSI Industries, IL
Ben Badiola - SSI Food Services, ID
Rex Moore - Maverick Ranch, CO
Rob Stephens - Independent Meat. ID
Burke Stone - Stone Meats. Inc., UT

Joey Garrard - Advance Foods, OK
Nick Nickelson - CIT Foods, TX
John Soules, Jr. - John Soules Foods, Inc., TX
Jarrod Stokes - San Angelo Packing, TX

REGION VI (ND,SD,NE,KS,Saskatchewan)
Shawn Buchanan - All American Meats, NE
Mike Hesse - Beef Products, Inc.
John Miller - Farmland National Beef, KS
Steve Sands - Premium Protein Prdts, NE

REGION VII  (MD,KY,VA and all states South and East of Region Five
Sharon Beals - Tyson Foods, AR
Dane Bernard - FPL Food, LLC,
Brad Howard - Suzanna’s Kitchen, GA
Francois Leger - FPL Food, LLC, GA
Greg Miller - PM Global, MN

REGION VIII (All States North of MO,KY,VA and East of Region Six)
Tim Biela - American Foodservice, PA
Michael Coleman - Taylor/Excel, PA
Jim Malex - Sioux Preme Packing, IA
Don Mehesan - Rosen Diversified, MN
Steve VanLannen - Smithfield Beef Group

Ted Miller, Immediate Past Chairman of the Board
Tom Campanile, Chairman
Jim Maxey, President
David Wimmer, Vice President
Bob Jensen, Secretary
Warren Wilcox, Treasurer

Fred Baque - Newly Wed Foods
Gina Bellinger - Food Safety Net Services, TX
Mike Brown - Birko Corporation, CO
Mike Gangel - Chad Company, KS
Roger Reiser - REISER, MA
Bob Savage - HACCP Consulting Group, VA

Phil Bauer, CA
Cal Faello, CA
Ben Goehring, CA
Wayne Keener, WA
Frank Kirk, CA
Leonard, Litvak, CO