The 1998 Scholarship program, administered by the Directors of the NMA Scholarship Foundation, includes a number of scholarships. This year, two of the NMA Undergratute Scholarships will be presented in honor of Al Piccetti and Bud Horton, beloved friends of NMA; whose industry contributions will live as long as their memories. The number of awards to be presented this year is at the discretion of the Directors:


One (1): Frank DeBenedetti Memorial Scholarship ($2000)

One (1) or more: NMA Undergraduate Scholarships ($1500 each)

One (1) or more: Edward Price Toby Memorial Scholarships for Agricultural Engineering related to the meat industry. ($1200 each)


All NMA Scholarships will be distributed September 1, 1998 through the university’s Financial Aid Officer of the recipient’s college or university in the student’s account. Upon receiving each payment, we ask the Financial Aid Officer to verify registration of the scholarship awardees.

In Addition, all awardees who attend the NMA Annual Convention will be presented a plaque at the convention.


The purpose of the Sophomore/Junior/Senior program is to encourage deserving undergraduate students to continue to pursue a curriculum leading to a B.S. in Animal/Meat/Food Science/ and related Ag. Engineering with orientation toward post harvest processing of meat food products.


Age, gender, race, religion, national origin, or financial-need, are not conditions of eligibility for any of the awards.

Specific eligibility requirements for each of the awards are as follows:

  1. Must be a sophomore, junior or senior pursuing an approved program in Animal/Meat/Food
  2. Science or related Ag Engineering in an accredited educational institution.

  3. Sophomore students planning to transfer to an approved program to complete their degree
  4. must do so by the effective date of the scholarship.

  5. If you withdraw from school or transfer to another major during the tenure of your scholarship,
  6. the unused balance of the award must be returned to the NMA Scholarship Foundation.

  7. If you are applying as a sophomore you must be a freshman who is or will be enrolled in an
  8. approved program at the time the scholarship becomes effective. You also have to have

    maintained at least a 3.0 GPA (A=4.0) for the first term of study and have the recommendation

    of both the department head and a faculty member familiar with your work.

  9. Senior students must be undergraduates for two consecutive semesters (or equivalent) on the

effective date of the scholarship.


1. All scholarships have the same application form. These are available from the professors listed in the NMA Membership Directory or from NMA Scholarship Foundation office.

2. Except for the above requests, all other inquiries, correspondence and completed applications must be submitted to the NMA Scholarship Foundation office.

3. Make sure to provide all information and attachments required in the application. Incomplete applications may be returned to you if there is time; otherwise, they will not be considered. However, do not submit more than is asked for; non-pertinent material makes evaluation of your application more difficult.

4. All applications require that grades for completed courses listed above be based on the A=4.0 system.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to submit your application and all required attachments to the NMA Scholarship Foundation’s office on time. The deadline for the program is given on the application. Incomplete applications, late submittal or applications in which grades are not listed based on the A=4.0 system may be cause for disqualification.


Students should read the following points:

  1. There are no scholarship renewals. Each student must submit a complete new application each year.
  2. A senior, junior or sophomore student who is awarded a scholarship may keep the scholarship even if the student subsequently decides to transfer to another school, as long as the transfer is to an approved program and the new department head verifies enrollment by sending a letter to the NMA Scholarship Foundation’s office.


All applicants will be notified of scholarship’s awardees by June 15, 1998. In addition to scholarship awardees, runners-up are awarded "alternate" status. If a student is unable to accept a scholarship, alternates may become eligible. Lists of recipients and alternates will be sent to universities at a later date.

Written acceptance from each successful applicant must be received at the NMA Scholarship Foundation’s office by July 15, 1998. Immediately after July 15, alternates who become eligible will be notified. Alternates who become eligible because winners transfer of fail to register in the fall will be notified in August, September, or as soon as notification is received by the NMA Scholarship Foundation.

NOTE: NMA Scholarship Foundation was organized by members of NMA and has received a determination letter from the IRS qualifying it as a tax-exempt Foundation under Section 501(c) (iii) of the IRS Code. In general, scholarships are tax-free to the recipients only if they are used by degree candidate for "qualified tuition and related expenses." Qualified expenses are limited to (1) tuition at a qualified school and (2) fees, books, supplies and equipment required for the course of study. The amount of an otherwise qualified scholarship awarded to a degree candidate is excludable (after considering the amount of any other award also eligible for exclusion) up to course-related expenses during the period to which the award applies. Any excess amount of the award is considered income. It should be noted that special rules may apply, if the recipient receives other awards or restrictions thereon.

Only 4-year colleges and universities with Animal/Meat/Food Science or related Agricultural Engineering departments are eligible to apply for NMA Scholarship Foundation awards

The NMA Scholarship Foundation’s Board of Directors reviews and updates this list annually.




Al Piccetti & Bud Horton




1. a)One Frank DeBenedetti Memorial Scholarship ($2000) will be awarded to an undergraduate student attending a four year college or university.

b)Several NMA Scholarships ($1500) and Toby Memorial Scholarships ($1200) will be awarded to undergraduate students attending a four-year college or university.

2. The students must be majoring in Animal/Meat/Food Science or related Ag. Engineering major with an orientation toward post harvest processing of meat food products.

3. The award of these scholarships will be based on the following:

a)Scholastics-Applicants must have a grade point average of at least (3.0) on a four-point scale.

b)Career Goals and Work Experience- Applicants should be planning a career associated with the meat industry.

c)Other Activities-Applicants should cite all activities that demonstrate leadership qualities, intellectual growth and breadth of interests.

d)Financial need will not be a consideration for this award.

4.The recipients may re-apply for additional grants, but will be considered on an equal basis with all other applicants.

5. A selection committee, five (5) current Animal/Meat/Food Science faculty at four year colleges and universities listed in the NMA Membership Directory, will select the recipients, recommending approval by NMA Foundation’s Board of Directors. Alternate recipients will be selected in case the winners are unable or become ineligible to accept.

6.The recipients must maintain a 3.0 GPA with a minimum course load of 12 units per semester (or equivalent) and remain in good academic standing during the tenure of the scholarship.

7. Applications must postmarked no later than April 20, 1998. Submit applications to NMA Scholarship Foundation, 1970 Broadway, Suite 825, Oakland, CA 94612.





Call NMA at (510) 763-1533 to receive current application