OAKLAND, CA – National Meat Association is pleased today to learn that the Ninth Circuit has accepted amici briefs supporting NMA’s right to intervene in R-CALF v. USDA, as have amici briefs supporting USDA’s appeal of a preliminary injunction that is keeping the U.S.-Canada border closed to shipments of live cattle from Canada. The motion of Ranchers-Cattlement Action Legal Fund (R-CALF) to strike the amici briefs was denied.

Briefs approved include those filed by American Meat Institute and North American Meat Processors; Easterday Ranches and Pioneer Inc; Alberta Beef Producers, Southwest Meat Assoc, Eastern Meat Packers Assoc., and United Food and Commerical Workers, The Camelid Alliance, et al; The government of Canada, Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, Easterday Ranches, Inc. National Cattlemens Beef Association, American Farm Bureau Fed, National Pork Producers Council, 29 State Cattlemens Association, 18 State Farm Bureaus and 9 State Individual Cattle Producers, and Tyson Foods, Inc.

“This is extremely good news. R-CALF’s delaying tactics are causing real harm,” said Jeremy Russell, NMA Director of Communications and Government Relations. “In fact, R-CALF has single-handedly set sound science and reasonable international standards back many years.”

National Meat Association is a non-profit trade association. Since 1946, NMA has represented meat packers and processors, equipment manufacturers and food suppliers who provide services to the meat industry. The association has members throughout the United States, as well as in Canada, Australia and Mexico.

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Jeremy Russell
National Meat Association
(510) 763-1533
[email protected]

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