Contact: NMA
OAKLAND, CA: January 24, 1996 -- In addition to a 50th anniversary celebration, an intense education program, and topical industry meetings, National Meat Association's 50th Annual Convention includes a social program that offers valuable networking opportunities for industry peers, notable speakers and friends.
To top off a full day of committee meetings, two seminar tracks and the opening General Session with FSIS's Michael Taylor, the social activities begin with the Annual Gourmet Sausagefest on Thursday, February 15, 1996. This popular event, sponsored by LeFiell Corp. and Robert Reiser & Co., celebrates the delicious and diverse tastes of twenty NMA member products from across the nation. The favorite product, as selected by attendees, will be awarded the annual "Hold the Mustard Award" sponsored by Morehouse Foods. This year's product contributors include:
Agriprocessors, Inc.
Aidells Sausage Company
Alpine Packing Company
Clougherty Packing
Clyde's Beef Jerky
Fernando's Foods Corporation
Filfoods, Inc.
Gerhard's Napa Valley Sausage
Harris Ranch Beef Company
Ito-Cariani Sausage Co., Inc.
Miller Packing Company
Montibella Sausage Company
Papa Cantella's
Pocino Foods Company
Saag's Products Inc.
Santa Fe Importers
Schwarz Sausage Co., Inc.
Spar Sausage Company
Specialty Branded Products
Next is NMA's Meet the Experts Luncheon on Friday, February 16, when attendees have the opportunity to sit one-on-one with convention experts in a informal setting. During this popular afternoon event, sponsored by Enviro-Pak, notables from academia, government and industry host lunch tables and lead discussions on topics pertinent to their area of expertise.
The fun continues on Friday, February 16, when NMA goes all out for attendees at the Fabulous Forties Dinner/Dance Gala, sponsored by American Food Equipment Company. In celebration of 50 years of NMA, attendees will enjoy elegant dining and dancing to the big band music of San Francisco Bay Area's own Royal Society Orchestra. NMA attendees will 'dance 'till they drop' while getting a feel for the forties, the time when NMA was just beginning.
NMA's 50th Annual Convention is February 14-17, 1996 and will be held at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, California. For more information, contact the NMA office at (510) 763-1533.
NMA is a non-profit trade association for meat packers and processors, as well as equipment manufacturers and suppliers who provide services to the meat industry. The association, with over 600 members throughout the United States, also includes membership in Canada, Australia and Mexico.