FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                             

August 14, 2001                                                                                                                                              

            [email protected]


OAKLAND, CA – NMA takes a fierce stand in comments today against the USDA’s misguided new rule, the 3/70/20.  This rule will go into effect on August 20, replacing the current 3/60 guidelines that govern the use of proprietary information collected under Mandatory Price Reporting.   


NMA was against Mandatory Price Reporting from the beginning, but at least it was clear that there would be protections for confidential information. Now, in an attempt to cover fundamental flaws, even that will be eroded.


“3/70/20 fails to protect the confidential and proprietary data that packers are required to submit when they are the only source or one of two sources in a single cell block in published information.  NMA considers this breach of confidentiality, in violation of the statute, as a very serious abrogation of the Secretary’s responsibilities,” wrote NMA Executive Director Rosemary Mucklow in official comments.


She went on to note that “when industry consolidation is measured over the next few years, USDA will have to explain to producers that the government itself assisted in reducing the number of slaughterhouses and slaughterhouse companies by its failure to protect the identity of data sources in this program.”


The full text of NMA comments are available through its website,


National Meat Association is a non-profit trade association representing meat packers and processors, as well as equipment  manufacturers and suppliers who provide services to the meat industry. The association, with over 600 members throughout the United States, includes membership in Canada, Australia and Mexico.

